The Alexander Murray Hiking Trail in King's Point Newfoundland and Labrador is becoming one of Central Newfoundland's bigger attractions. Do the whole trail, or take in a portion.
- 8kms in total
- 2200 man made stairs
- 3 waterfalls
- 1100ft Summit
- 3 to 4 hours
- Moderate to difficult
- Visitor centre (Open June-End of August)
There is no fee to hike the trail but donations at the visitor centre for trail upkeep are very much appreciated. Hikers are asked to sign in before starting out on the trail.
The trail entrance lies just inside the town of King's Point (population 600), which is 12kms off the Trans Canada Highway. King's Point is a beautiful town that offers visitors several accommodation and dining options, gasoline, RV parking, convenience grocery shopping and in-store ATMs.
To round out your visit, there is a pottery shop, whale pavillion, public picnic and rest areas, and a Heritage House museum. As a bonus, there is an 800ft waterfall nearby. Come to King's Point, stay a while and get some amazing fresh air and great selfie shots at the top of the Alexander Murray Hiking Trail.
To provide service that supports Socio Economics, Healthy Living, Community Spirit, Arts and Recreation, and Regionalization. Our vision is to have an Event Grounds and scheduled events that can sustainably provide for trail maintenance, community-based events, sustainable employment and inclusive experiences for all in our region.